SynDaver Labs

SynDaver™ Labs manufactures the world’s most sophisticated synthetic human tissues and body parts. Our SynDaver™ Synthetic Human bleeds, breathes and employs hundreds of replaceable muscles, bones, organs, and vessels which are made from materials that mimic the mechanical, thermal, and physicochemical properties of live tissue. This validated technology is used to replace live animals, cadavers, and human patients in medical device studies, clinical training, and surgical simulation. Visit SynDaver Labs to learn more.

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SynDaver Synthetic Humans and body parts are designed for advanced surgical simulation and poly-trauma team training. Individual tissues have been validated over the last two decades to accurately mimic the mechanical, dielectric and physicochemical properties of the relevant living tissue. The resulting tissues respond to all known imaging techniques and medical devices just as live tissue does


A variety of pathologies and injuries are available - based on patient images, CAD drawings or simple descriptions. Client may also select gender and skin tone.

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  • High-School Dissections
    Frog Dissection Model
    Item Number:

    With SynFrog™, there’s no longer any need to harm real frogs for the sake of enhancing the educational experience. In addition to eliminating the ethical concerns of sacrificing living animals to teach comparative anatomy, SynFrog is a better option for students because it does not expose them to hazardous chemicals, like formaldehyde and formalin.