LJ Create Engineering

This engineering program is designed to bridge the skills gap!

LJ Create's engineering program comprises three main strands of Control and Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering. Our comprehensive program addresses a broad range of related engineering areas including:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics
  • Mechatronics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Science
  • Engineering Materials Technology
  • Manufacturing Techniques

“One of the reasons we really liked working with LJ Create was that they had so much to offer us in the way of engineering teaching resources.”
- Lynne Spinarto, Technology Chair Person at MacArthur High School

Control and Instrumentation

Engineering Curriculum

This strand of the program covers motor control, sensing and instrumentation through to PLC programming. The resources in this program provide excellent training for real-world, in-demand skills.


LJ Create's comprehensive Engineering lesson library contains over 4,500 STEM lessons, which are available any time, anywhere online. Of these, over 200 relate specifically to the Control and Instrumentation strand of the program.


A range of hardware and curriculum materials cover areas from motor control, sensing and instrumentation through to PLC programming. These resources provide excellent training for real-world, in-demand skills.

Curriculum View Hardware

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Curriculum

LJ Create's mechanical engineering strand covers hydraulics, pneumatics and mechanisms. A complete series of digital learning content is supported by real-world trainers to aid in the understanding of mechanical engineering concepts.


LJ Create's comprehensive Engineering lesson library contains over 4,500 STEM lessons, which are available any time, anywhere online. Of these, over 500 relate specifically to the Mechanical Engineering strand of the program.


The trainers are available within the Mechanical Engineering strand of our Engineering program. The trainers allow for safe and practical study of a variety of industrial-related systems and are a great means of bringing the theory in the online resources to life in a hands-on practical way.

Curriculum View Hardware

Electronic Engineering

Engineering Curriculum

From basic electronics through to complex systems, the electronics strand of our engineering program gives students the skills and confidence to build and study circuits in detail. Comprehensive study materials provide a blended mix of theory, guided practical activities, and assessments to allow students to gain a deep understanding of this area of engineering.


LJ Create's comprehensive Engineering lesson library contains over 4,500 STEM lessons, which are available any time, anywhere online. Of these, over 1,500 relate specifically to the Electronic Engineering strand of the program.


A range of hardware and curriculum materials cover areas from motor control, sensing and instrumentation through to PLC programming. These resources provide excellent training for real-world, in-demand skills.

Curriculm View Curriculum

Learning Management System

LJ Create CTE CurriculumLJ Create's Learning Management System automatically tracks and records the progress and attainment of your students, and the school’s progress overall. You can see how much time students spend on each module, how often they log in, and instantly see records of their grades across the program.

The LMS gives the teacher control over the construction of courses, allowing them to be tailored for their students, and includes extensive student-tracking and reporting, adding up to a world-leading solution to your learning-providing needs.

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