Amatrol Virtual Trainers

Web-Based Simulators Available in Over 20 Amatrol Training Courses
Amatrol Virtual Trainers
Online Virtual Training
Virtual Trainer Courseware – Electrical Motor Control | N17401
Introduction to Electric Motor Control
Online Virtual Training
Virtual Trainer Courseware
Amatrol Virtual Trainers
Online Virtual Training
Amatrol Virtual Trainers
AC/DC Electrical Virtual Trainer Courseware (NB227)
AC/DC Electrical Virtual Trainer Courseware
Online Amatrol Curriculum
Online Electrical Circuits Curriculum
Online Virtual Training
Amatrol Virtual Trainers
Online Hydraulics Curriculum
In-Depth, Comprehensive Basic Hydraulics Curriculum

Amatrol’s virtual trainers allow learners to practice hands-on skills via eLearning. These simulations replicate Amatrol’s physical training systems in such great detail that learners can build essential skills even when they don’t have access to actual equipment. This provides much-needed flexibility in today’s fast-paced learning environment.

Existing in an open workspace, these virtual training systems allow students the freedom to make any connections or take any steps they choose and do not force them along with a predetermined series of steps. This provides a true learning experience and allows students to learn from both their successes and errors. The skill level students develop with these virtual trainers can greatly reduce students’ hands-on time with equipment to complete their skill mastery.

Build Skills with Online Access

  • Build essential skills without access to actual equipment
  • Exist in open workspace – Not forced along predetermined steps
  • Reduce hands-on time with equipment to complete skill mastery
  • Use as stand-alone learning tools, or part of complete curriculum

Practice Hands-On Skills Via eLearning

Amatrol’s virtual trainers can be used as stand-alone learning tools or as part of a complete curriculum. All virtual trainers come with an interactive multimedia curriculum to teach concepts and exercises to guide their virtual skill experience. Amatrol offers many types of virtual trainers to support a wide range of CTE courses.

Virtual Trainer Technologies

  • AC/DC Electrical
  • Electrical Control
  • Motor Control
  • Oscilloscope
  • Programmable Logic Controller (3D)
  • Measurement
  • Machine Tools
  • Manual Torque Wrenches
  • Split-Flange Couplings
  • Electric Torque Wrenches
  • Mechanical
  • Pneumatics
  • Hydraulics
  • CNC Machine (3D)

More Information


Manufacturing & Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Skills TrainersOur learning programs develop job-ready skills that have been proven time and again. Take a look at how we can help you be successful!

Colleges are challenged to offer courses whenever students are available – and frequently, wherever they are available. Students want courses that are available on campus as well as from home while also providing strong hands-on skills for the technology demands facing them. Meeting these demands is no small task.

Amatrol has learning programs that allow colleges to excel in this demanding environment. We offer a full range of learning systems, both in a traditional equipment lab setting as well as in a virtual lab, that meet and exceed students' expectations.