Fan Balancing Trainer

Realistic Hands-On Vibration Analysis Training System
Item Number: 
 Fan Balancing Trainer 202-000

DAC Worldwide’s Fan Balancing Trainer (202-000) is a precision assembly allowing for convenient demonstration and training in fan balancing and other vibration analysis-related topics. Based on the design of a typical squirrel cage fan, this heavy-duty aluminum device allows for assembly in a variety of configurations, creating a broad range of balancing scenarios.

Fan Balancing Trainer Offers Hands-On, Real-World Learning Experience

Movable pillow block assemblies, provision for even or odd number blade configurations, and multiple weight locations combine to create a challenging and realistic training tool.

The Fan Balancing Trainer features an aluminum baseplate/bearing pedestal assembly with a 1/4 HP, totally enclosed, continuous-duty, fan-cooled, split-phase motor with thermal protection and associated control switch.

The trainer requires the 202-001 Balancing Kit. It also includes a fan/rotor assembly, three bearing mounting block assemblies, sheaves, belts, shafting, fan housing guard, belt and sheave guard, and the #570-000 IPT Rotating Equipment Training Manual.

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