MSSC Certified Production Technician

Amatrol Provides Online Learning for MSSC Certified Production Technician
MSSC Certification Production Technician (CPT)
Key Benefits: Industry, Education and Workers

Amatrol supplies interactive, online learning to MSSC for use in their Certified Production Technician training. Both Amatrol and MSSC have long recognized the ever-growing demand for technically skilled workers. According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the skill gap for entry-level workers in advanced manufacturing is growing at a startling rate. With approximately 30% of jobs requiring technical skills and only 17% of graduates having them, you can see how alarming this trend is. To bridge this gap, MSSC’s vision is to train, assess and credential 40% of America’s production workforce over the next ten years.

MSSC uses Amatrol’s online learning material in all of their core competency areas:

  • Safety
  • Maintenance Awareness
  • Quality and Continuous Improvement
  • Manufacturing Processes and Production

The skills are real, and the learning is fun!

MSSC has worked with thousands of industry representatives over a number of years to identify the key skills needed by entry-level production workers. These key skills are now assessed as part of MSSC’s production technician certification. To learn more about MSSC and the Production Technician Certification, visit their website today!

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