Virtual Reality

Our virtual training solutions help build confidence and proficiency in a virtual environment. Virtual reality training is a 3D digital simulation of real-world scenarios for learning. We offer a variety of solutions for construction, oil and gas, manufacturing, and safety.

  • BloodBorn Pathogens VR Safety Training
    Upgrade Your Safety Training with Virtual Reality

    The primary goal of this course is to teach workers the correct procedures to follow in a potential bloodborne pathogen event. The Bloodborne Pathogen VR simulation is ideal for future employees or supervisors who will work in hazardous environments where a potential bloodborne pathogen event may occur.

  • First Aid: CPR & AED
    Effective Immersive Learning

    Coming soon!

  • Warehouse Fire Hazards
    Fire Hazard Awareness

    The primary goal of this course is to teach workers safe work procedures to be aware of and mitigate warehouse fires in a warehouse environment. The Warehouse Fire Hazard Awareness simulation is ideal for employees or supervisors in or around warehouse operations.