Cycloidal Gear Reducer Cutaway

Real-World Gear Reducer Training
Item Number: 
Real-World Gear Reducer Training
DAC Mechanical Drives
DAC Worldwide Cutaways
DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers

DAC Worldwide's Cycloidal Gear Reducer Cutaway (205-270) is a sectioned industrial, mounted cycloidal gear reducer for use in classroom and laboratory training relating to mechanical drives. This example has been restored, cutaway, and refinished using durable coatings.

Sharing many design features with planetary gear reducers, including their straight-through design, these commonly-encountered epicyclical reducers, are often chosen for high-torque servo motor applications due to their low/no backlash, low wear, high-shock load, and high-torque operating characteristics. A full 90-degree cutaway unveils primary components including the cycloidal disk, pins/rollers, and ring gear. Motion is retained and reversing shaft rotation can be demonstrated.

The device is mounted on a modular, heavy-gauge steel baseplate. For industrial relevancy, common models, by well-known manufacturers are chosen. All examples can be mounted on related DAC bench, workstation, and storage products. All operational features have been retained allowing the reducer to be operated via hand crank and replacement hardware has been provided where necessary.

Optional Student Training Manual Available

Copies of this course’s Student Training Manual are an optional supplement with this mechanical dissectible. Sourced from the Exercises and Learning Activities, the Student Training Manual takes the technical content contained in the learning objectives and combines it into one perfectly-bound book. If you would like to inquire about purchasing additional Student Training Manuals for your program, please contact your local DAC Worldwide Representative for more information.

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Colleges are challenged to offer courses whenever students are available – and frequently, wherever they are available. Students want courses that are available on campus as well as from home while also providing strong hands-on skills for the technology demands facing them. Meeting these demands is no small task.

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